Bye-Bye Bloggers

Hi Fau Bloggers, This is your final post so I'd like you to write a reflective post about your semester in FAU. My semester was a little up & down but on the whole I feel content. I only taught English 4 and participated in a CFG on Manga & Anime. I've been participating on the Manga & Anime course since 2013 when I started it with Diego Vallejos, an urbanism teacher from FAU. However, since 2015 my participation has shrunk because we have an ex-student of the course in 2014 doing the course because he is an expert on the subject. He literally knows everything there is to know about manga & anime. What else? I'm finding interesting getting into the new post-pandemic semester breakdown. I find there were lots of stops and starts, fiestas patrias, a few public holidays, autonomous study weeks. If I were a student, I think I'd have problems managing my time. I'm not always good at managing my own schedule when it's constantly changing. I've be ...