My Cultural Radar (Part 1)

The first thing I do most mornings is to read The Guardian newspaper with a cup of (British) tea. I tend to scan the headlines to see if anything important or interesting has happened and then head to the sports's page to read about football. Later in the day, when I have more time, I go back and read other parts of the newspaper that may interest me. I've read The Guardian since I was about 18 and although the journalism has become a little "comic like" at times, it still holds true to it's left-wing ideals (nowadays it's pinkish rather than red😂😂😂😂).

Today, I'd like to use a Guardian idea as an inspiration for today's blogpost. We are going to read an article on cultural recommendations given by a well-known person (well, in the UK at least).

Click on the Guardian "On My Radar" link here:

Scroll down and select an article to read (by someone you have heard of or think might be interesting).

The first part of your post will be about what you read:


Who's cultural snapshot you read,

Which aspects of culture they talked about,

Which of the things they talked about you found most interesting and why.

In the second part of your post, you need to write about 6 things that are on your cultural radar at the moment (this can be from any media - video, webpage, song, film, art show, artist, building, tv show, anime, theatre, book, place, etc.).

Try to write at least 30 words for each thing you write about. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of a least 3 classmates.


  1. What the principal section of the newspaper you like to read (sports, politics, international or social, for example)?

    1. Football & Culture - with an eye on International news

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I didn't know the paper had so many famous people talking about the cultural stuff they like, amazing.

  4. I also only read things that interest me in the newspaper, like F1 jajaja

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The truth is that I don't read a lot of newspapers, I find that super admirable, My grandfather used to read every morning.


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